October 21, 2008

An award...

Patty at Pip Stitch passed on this nice award to me! Thanks Patty!! Now I need to pass it on to six more blog folk, but I have to confess, I haven't been 'visiting' much lately, so I can't come up with 6!! Oh, no! So sorry! I will edit this post if I find more. For now, here are my five:

#1 Mrs RGS at Quirky Cottage had some FABULOUS fall decos at her retirement party.

#2 Teresa at Plum Water Cottage has a great header and some deco pix.

#3 The Fairy Glade has some great Halloween projects!

#4 AND #5 Found a new blog buddy! Linnea has two blogs, so I'm giving the award to her TWICE! Visit Neabear and B-Daddy's Nest and Neabear's Sewing and Craft Mess for lot's of Fall and Halloween goodness!


  1. Thank you for visiting me. And thank you for the award. I will post it on both blogs. So cool. I'm going to add you to the list of blogs I follow so I can keep up with what you are doing.

  2. Hi Lynn thank you so very much for my award and for visiting my blog. I will try to pass it on over the next few days if I can. Keep stopping by will be posting lots more autumn and halloween pictures. Dev X

  3. Thank you so much for the award. I truly appreciate it!

  4. P.S. Love the Obama cherry on your sidebar...cute!


I'm so happy that you visited my little blog! Thank you for the lovely comment and have a superb day!!