October 21, 2010

{ A little bummed }

I needed some curtains for my craft room, and also needed a place to hang my vintage aprons. I came up with this cute idea....

It's pretty cute, BUT..the window is east facing and after 10 or 11 am, I get no light! The aprons make it too dark in the room, so they have to come down. ~big sad face~.


  1. aww that is sweet hun!! how about just putting up a couple of hooks on each side of the window so you can swipe them off to the side?

  2. hi lori lynn, just found you through my friend verde farm! love that you allowed your kitties on the table...looking forward in following you!

  3. Cheer up Big Sad Face ... you're on to something! Maybe you can incorporate your apron idea into another area around your house! Maybe there is another window, waiting to be dressed!!!!!!!

  4. They looks so cute though. I think a few hooks might work too. I love those aprons.

  5. Well, it certainly is different...and handy, but how does it look from the outside. You chose adorable things to hang up! :)


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